Mayan Bingo
How to Play Mayan Bingo
Step 1: To select how much you wish to stake in Mayan Bingo, click the +/- stake button in the bottom corner of the screen.
Step 2: Mayan Bingo allows you play up to four cards at once, click on the cards button to alter the total number of cards you wish to play.
Step 3: Hit the green yes button to commence play.
Mayan Bingo Game Review
The Mayan Bingo game is quite unique in that it doesn't tread on the toes of any bingo games that have gone before it. The bingo card game is nicely designed although the sound is rather disappointing. The endless racket of Mayan drums can be a little tedious after a few minutes of its repetitive rattle, but its worth to play the game.
In this Mayan Bingo game, there are plenty of opportunities for you to win. Four bingo cards have been opened up for your enjoyment, and you can deactivate them as you like following or prior to playing each game of bingo.
Mayan Bingo also allows you to alter your stake from between 0.10 to 2.00 per card, in whichever currency you are currently playing with. The pay table towards to the top of the screen with still multiplies your bet by the same number regardless if you're playing an expensive or cheap game. For instance, one line is worth fifty times your stake (per card) whether you've paid 0.10 for the card, or 2.00. Obviously, the more you pay the higher your return.
When all is said and done, Mayan Bingo is a nice additional to the other countless thousands of bingo games on the net. It's graphically pleasing, offers fair prices, and doesn't attempt to trick you with rule variations like some other games you may find. This is old fashioned no nonsense bingo, with a twist If you're just one ball away from finishing a winning combination, you can buy another ball, in fact you can buy up to ten. Though they'll costs you…considerably! The cheeky Mayans calendar may be over by the end of the year, but it's doubtful that this excellent little game will.