£200K Jumbo Jackpot is back!

Play for real

The return of the £200K Jumbo Jackpot

The word on the street is that the next £200K Jumbo Jackpot will be hosted on 27th February from 8pm, and then again on 30th April from 8pm!

You can get in on the action if you check each participating brand and then head to the Jackpot lobby.

The red-hot prize pot is usually split between the full house winner (£50,000), one line winner (£20,000) and two line winner (£30,000).

As with the previous games, the rest of the mammoth £100,000 prize will be shared between all other players.

Each ticket can be bought for as little as £1 each, and the more tickets you buy, the more chances you'll have to grab your share!

Happy playing!

8:56 am Jan 18, 2016